DAMES Mentoring, Inc is a non-profit currently volunteering at St Mary’s Home for Children in North Providence, Rhode Island.
The organization was started to make kids smile with delicious family style dinners, craft activities and board games. A little splash of 1970 leave it to beaver fun. We are not changing the day to day lives but offering a one hour respite from the daily rush.

Have an interesting career, a fun hobby or hidden skill, we want you to tell our clients about it. We welcome both occupations and vocations to share their talents. We encourage curiosity in the kids and the best way to do that is to show them a variety of careers. Please consider being a star expert. Contact us, we want to hear from you!

How Kids
Can Help
Who doesn’t like refrigerator art?
Can’t think of anyone?
Me neither.
Ask your children to create some artwork for our kids currently residing in a group home. Can be on white paper, or construction paper. No messages required, all coloring
pages welcome.

Tell a
Do you know a friend who is looking to volunteer with youth (ages 12-18)? Hoping to spend time in the community spreading cheer. Tell your friend about DAMES Mentoring. It’s a great way to enhance your time on this earth.