Galaxy of Giving
$25 provides snack for craft night
$50 provides a craft for 9 kids
$100 provides a monogrammed nylon travel bag for the children personal belongings such as clothing and pillow. Housing at St Mary’s is temporary
* a new book for library
$250 provides two months of crafts and healthy snacks
* a new book for the library
$500 provides two special outings, tickets and lunch
* a new book for the library
$1000 provides wish list such as BBQ grill, outdoor table & lawn furniture for all campus to share
* a new book for the library
OR create an amount
* dedicate my donation in honor or memory of someone
** in lieu of bday gifts - donate to kids
or maybe books for the library
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Your gift is also tax deductible to the limits allowed by the law as no goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution. We are
a 501C3 non profit organization.